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πŸ’‘ Usage Tips

Master the core techniques of FocusFour to make task management more efficient.

Basic Operations​

Adding Tasks​

  1. Click the "+" button in the top right corner
  2. Enter task title
  3. Set task attributes:
    • Importance (πŸ’Ž)
    • Urgency (⚑️)
    • Due date (optional)
    • Reminder time (optional)

Managing Tasks​

  • View Tasks: Browse all tasks in the four-quadrant view on the main interface
  • Edit Tasks: Click on a task to enter its details page
  • Complete Tasks: Click the checkbox
  • Delete Tasks: Click delete in the details page

Syncing with Reminders​

  • Importance Marking: Use πŸ’Ž emoji to mark important tasks
  • Urgency Marking: Use ⚑️ emoji to mark urgent tasks
  • Note Rules:
    • These two special emojis (πŸ’Žβš‘οΈ) are used for task classification, please don't modify them randomly
    • You can freely add other notes after these two emojis
    • The app will automatically identify and maintain task quadrant classification
  • Usage Suggestions: When adding tasks in system Reminders, use these markers correctly to ensure tasks appear in the appropriate quadrant in FocusFour

Practical Tips​

Quick Actions​

  • Double-click any quadrant to quickly create a task of that type
  • Use drag and drop to adjust task positions

Interface Navigation​

  • Click the "βœ“" icon in the top left to view completed task history
  • Click the "?" icon in the top right to view detailed explanations and usage suggestions for each quadrant
  • Hide unnecessary task lists in the settings page to keep the interface clean

Widget Configuration​

  • Supports various sizes of system widgets:
    • Small size
    • Medium size
    • Large size
    • Extra large size
  • Small and medium widgets support long-press configuration to select specific quadrant tasks to display
  • Quick task viewing and management through widgets to improve efficiency

Best Practices​

Daily Usage Suggestions​

Improve Efficiency
  1. List your three most important tasks each day
  2. Record and categorize tasks promptly
  3. Review and adjust regularly

Important Notes​

Avoid Pitfalls
  1. Don't pursue perfection excessively
  2. Keep categorization simple
  3. Adapt to your personal work style